
Zeus / 18 / Nicaraguan/Black
single gay lost in the world
I'm an Angel that likes lions and fun
Please search around on here to get to know me!

heres the code

Important Links


  • Persona 5 ish
  • Pokemon
  • Super Mario
  • Rinmaru Dress up Games
  • Mob Psycho 100
  • HNK
  • Super Gals
  • Card Captor Sakura
  • Devilman
  • Pokemon
  • Little Witch Academia
  • KHR
Characters I'm connected to
  • Ran Kotobuki
  • Akko Kagari
  • Misty from Pokemon
  • Princess Peach
  • Shit-p from khr
  • Barbie
  • Betty Boop
Extra Info

I literally put some of these things up for funsies tbh. I don't ID as every character I'm connected with and I also don't mind doubles? I'm really too shy to admit which of the characters are my ID's and it's rare that I get extremely connected to a character so yeah. Some of these things I'm just getting into and I surely won't be posting up about these things too much, I also occasionally retweet Enstars because I like Enstars from far away I don't play it but i still love some of the characters. I play a lot of things but I'm never commited and I tend to stray away from things that are widely known as bad, with the exception that sometimes i'll still look into something but acknowlege that it is bad and not openly support it in anyway. I have particular morals and they're hard to shake off from me.

Important Info

  • Don't follow if you meet any typical dfi criteria
  • Ask before you follow if you know me from school
  • Don't follow if you're in drama with my friends
  • Don't follow if you're hate following
  • Don't follow if you support incest or pedophilia even if it's fictional it bugs me
  • Don't follow if you know my family though I hope none of you do
  • Don't follow if you plan on calling me by my birthname
  • I'm sensitive and if you make fun of me too much you could easily upset me so be careful
  • Don't you dare dm me anything sexual if I don't know you I will block you on sight
Things to Tag
  • Conspiracy Theories
  • The end of the world

I'm trans, gay, and black so I seriously don't want anyone who is homophobic, transphobic, or racist following me. Theres more to that list and if you need to know then I can list it out tbh. I really don't like pedophilia, incest, or huge age gaps ,with a significantlly younger person,even in fiction it makes me uncomfortable and I just hate seeing it tbh. Seeing people try to pass things off as good , like one of the things i've mentioned, confuses me and frustrates me so don't try to agrue about it w/ me you'll probably literally just make me confused and closed off, I also hate conflict so if you're not one of my friends please don't try to start something w/ me. Chances are if you're trying to fight w/ me over something small like me saying I don't like an artist or something along those lines, i'll block you